CPR exam practice questions (free)
Studying for an upcoming CPR exam? Need some practice questions to test your knowledge? Here at CPR-test.org we’ve compiled a bank of free questions and answers to help you improve your knowledge of CPR....
Studying for an upcoming CPR exam? Need some practice questions to test your knowledge? Here at CPR-test.org we’ve compiled a bank of free questions and answers to help you improve your knowledge of CPR....
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) involves delivering chest compressions to a patient who is in cardiac arrest (their heart has stopped beating). Chest compressions work to keep the brain and body supplied with oxygen by squeezing the heart and forcing...
A defibrillator, or AED (automated external defibrillator), is a life-saving device which delivers an electrical shock to the heart during a cardiac arrest. There are many myths about using a defibrillator. Many people believe...
A defibrillator, or AED (automated external defibrillator), is a life-saving device which delivers an electrical shock to the heart during a cardiac arrest. There are many myths about using a defibrillator. Many people believe...
Before starting cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) it is important to assess whether the patient is breathing normally. In order to do this, you should open the airway and check for breathing using the ‘look, listen, feel’...
CPR-test.org is expanding! We’ve just added a new medical emergencies practice test to our range of free online practice tests. Knowing the correct first aid treatment to common medical emergencies is incredibly important and can...
CPR exams can be a stressful experience, especially if it’s the first time you’ve sat a formal CPR exam. CPR exams are often used in courses where you are issued a certificate on completion...
Knowing how to perform CPR on a baby is an essential first aid skill. There are lots of reasons why a baby might stop breathing including respiratory diseases (asthma etc.), choking on foreign objects...
DR ABC is a mnemonic used to help first aiders remember what to do if they find a casualty who has collapsed. If you remember your ‘DR ABC’ then you won’t go far wrong...
Chest compressions are the most important component of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It is vital chest compressions are of good quality if CPR is going to be effective in keeping the casualty alive until the...