How to pass your CPR exam

CPR Exam

CPR exams can be a stressful experience, especially if it’s the first time you’ve sat a formal CPR exam. CPR exams are often used in courses where you are issued a certificate on completion of the CPR class. The exam is designed to test your competency in performing CPR in an emergency situation.

Here’s our top tips for passing your upcoming CPR exam:

Try our online CPR practice tests

We’ve got a range of free online CPR practice tests which you can use to test your theoretical knowledge of resuscitation. Our free CPR exams cover adult CPR, baby & child CPR and use of a defibrillator. These have all been updated to comply with the latest CPR guidelines.

Take a free online first aid course

Our partner site, provides a free online first aid course which you can complete in your own time. This is a great way to refresh your knowledge of essential lifesaving first aid techniques. You even get a certificate once you’ve completed all the modules!

Learn the science behind resuscitation

Our friends over at What is CPR?have a wealth of information about cardiopulmonary resuscitation. You can learn the science behind CPR and revise your technique.

Ask your CPR instructor / trainer

Your CPR instructor or trainer is the best person to speak to if you have any questions or concerns about upcoming CPR exams.

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1 Response

  1. Cynthia says:

    I am studying for the CPR certification using the American Heart Association Student Manual purchased Sept. 2013 . When taking the Practice Test, there appears to several contradictions or no information relating to the questions: 1) no info on DR-ABC which is also contra to the new SEQUENCE of C-A-B, 2) the max. time it takes to you should spend checking for breathing, 3) How long (seconds) should a rescue breath roughly take to inflate the casualty’s lungs? The comparison of this student manual is causing conflict of info. Help.I have made hand written notes by creating a chart.

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