Author: John


What is VF, VT and asystole?

A cardiac arrest occurs when the heart goes into an electrical rhythm that prevents effective pumping of blood around the body. VF, VT and asystole are three common rhythms that occur in a cardiac...


How to recognise a heart attack

A heart attack is a life-threatening medical emergency in which the heart muscle suffers an event in which part of the heart is damaged or dies. A person having a heart attack may have...


How to put someone into the recovery position

When a person is unconscious and lying on their back, the airway can become compromised by the tongue touching the back of the throat or vomit if the patient is sick. Placing the casualty...


Chest compression only resuscitation (CPR)

A cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. When an adult casualty suffers a cardiac arrest, it is likely that there is residual oxygen left in the blood stream. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is...


The DRAB Emergency Action Plan

Knowing how to assess an unresponsive victim is an important first aid skill. The DRAB mnemonic is an easy way to remember the initial steps to take when assessing a casualty. Danger – make...


How to use a pocket mask in CPR

The pocket resuscitation mask is widely used by first aiders and first responders. It enables mouth-to-mouth ventilation without coming into direct contact with the patient’s mouth. The pocket maskĀ also has a unidirectional valve to...


How to pass your CPR & First Aid exam

Studying for an upcoming CPR exam or test? Here’s our top tips to ace your CPR exam: 1. Practice, practice, practice Make the most of all the practical opportunities provided by your course /...


How to place defibrillator pads on a victim

A defibrillator delivers an electrical shock to a victim in cardiac arrest. In order for the shock to be delivered, two chest pads must be placed on the victim to conduct the shock though...


A guide to Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the general name for a number of more specific diseases such as: heart disease vascular disease stroke CVD is a major cause of death in developed countries mainly due to...


A complete guide to Anaphylaxis first aid

Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening. It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate and urgent medical attention. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an...